Monthly Archives: November 2013

Q&A: Oakton High School’s Response to Graceland Messages

I received a request to screen Graceland Girls at Oakton High School in northern Virginia, initiated by a 10th grader named Alicia.  Alicia took the initiative to start a local chapter of Girls Learn International, and wanted to screen the film for the group in celebration of the International Day of the Girl on October 29.  I am impressed!  Are there more strong women who want to make a difference like Alicia out there? I asked Alicia if she could [...]

Boston Kids Film Festival: “We Are Lucky to Go to School”

We had a great discussion following the screening of The Making of Malala and Graceland Girls on Saturday at the Somerville Theatre in Davis Square, MA.  It was really great to share the girls’ stories with middle and high schoolers and to hear their reaction to the plight of their counterparts in other parts of the world. Some of my favorite responses were: “We take our education for granted, but we are actually very lucky to go to school.” When [...]