From Paris to Boston: Two Film Festivals Feature Graceland Girls Nov. 1 & 2

Check out two film festivals who are featuring Graceland Girls next weekend!

25th Paris International Lesbian & Feminist Film Festival will feature Graceland Girls on Friday, November 1(vendredi 1er novembre) at 17h00 – Petite Salle - Séance Kenya, générations féministes, Space EFCB, 23/25 rue Emile Zola – Montreuil 93100, Métro Robespierre.

Dans un lycée pour filles au Kenya, pays où la majorité des filles n’ont pas accès à l’éducation et sont victimes d’inégalité sociale et économique, une série de portraits intimistes et pleins d’espoir.

If you are in Paris, stop by si vous plait!

Filmmakers Collaborative‘s BOSTON INTERNATIONAL KIDS FILM FESTIVAL will feature Graceland Girls on Saturday, November 2, 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. at the Somerville Theatre, 55 Davis Square, Somerville, MA 02144.

Come by and say hello as I’ll be attending the screening and will participate in a post film discussion about the importance of educating girls to break the cycle of poverty.

In addition, Graceland Girls will screening alongside the short film “The Making of Malala,” the story of Malala Yousafzai’s the improbable international teen spokeswoman for girls’ education.